Wednesday 23 January 2013

The Zoroastrian Connection

Zoroastrianism is immensely ancient. According to the Hindu tradition, Zoroaster would have lived long before 40000 B.C.E. ( He is mentioned as an ancient renegade teacher several times in the Rig Veda, which was composed somewhere around 4000 B.C.E) Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher, confirms that the Persians of his time dated Zoroaster to around 6000 BC.E (Western scholars have been extremely reluctant to accept such ancient dates for Zoroaster).

Zoroaster is one of the most important figures in religious history. When he broke with Hinduism, he established a new set of beliefs which much later would work ideas include the linear nature of time with history ending on Judgment Day, the rest resurrection on the physical body, and the promised return of a savior to inaugurate a millennial period of peace on earth. He also taught the existence of the Devil, a malevolent being nearly as powerful as God.

Hindus accept a modified version of the history of the returning savior. None of Zoroaster's other ideas is accepted in Hinduism.

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