
Thursday, 15 November 2012

Ganesha : The Elephant-Headed God

At Hindu temples throughout the world, priests regularly bring the images of the gods in their temples something to eat and drink. Usually the deities don't actually touch the food. They just bless it and leave it for us humans to chow down. But on September 21,1995, Lord Ganesha drank the milk. Within hours, the news was all over India. Hindus rushed to the temples or their shrine rooms at home to offer their statues of Ganesha a pitcher of milk.

That evening the Milk Miracle was broadcast all over the world on the international news. Camera crews converged on Hindu temples from India to Africa to Canada and filmed the milk actually dematerializing in front of murtis of Ganesha. Thousands of observers, Hindu and non-Hindu alike, who actually watched the milk disappear, described the experience to reporters.

Ganesha has always been known for his delightful sense of humor. On that fall day in 1995 it's possible he gently reminded people everywhere that the ultimate purpose of life lies not in serving themselves but in Serving God. And that day he wanted to be served milk!

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