Wednesday 1 August 2012

Who the Gods Worship

At this juncture in history, the god Vishnu was incarnating on Earth in the form of a prince named Rama, who was wandering in the forest with his wife, Sita. This seemed like a good place to catch up with Vishnu, who is otherwise quite busy running the universe.

So Narada teleported to the forest where he wound up having to wait several hours to get Rama's attention. Rama was in the middle of making offerings into the sacred fire, an age-old religious ritual. When he finally finished, he ran over to Narada and apologized. " Sir, I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting! I was performing my daily worship of Lord Shiva".

Narada was delighted! Here was his answer without his even having to ask. Rama, who is the embodiment of Vishnu, considered Shiva a greater god than Vishnu himself!

Narada immediately teleported to heaven to tell Shiva the exciting news. But there he found he also had to wait. Shiva doesn't run the universe (that's Vishnu's job). Shiva is the transcendent reality who sits away from the world, always engaged in meditation. Finally the Lord opened His eyes, and looked up and saw the rishi. "Oh Narada, I'm sorry I kept you waiting!" Shiva apologized. " I just couldn't tear myself away from meditating on the lotus feet of Lord Rama!"

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