Friday 8 March 2013

Self Study : Svadhyaya

Svadhyaya means study that leads to self realization. Patanjali is encouraging Hindus to study the sacred scriptures. They should study the wisdom the sages embedded in the great myths of Hinduism. And no doubt also study classic works like Patanjali's own yoga Sutras. These books generate enthusiasm for spiritual practice and help dispel doubts.

But svadhyaya has a second meaning. Ultimately self-study is more important than scriptural study. One can read holy books for lifetimes without getting enlightened Ramana Maharshi lay down on the floor and studied himself for just a couple of minutes and achieved enlightenment. It's in the direct living experience of divine being that moksha, the fourth and final goal of life, is achieved. It can only come from divine within one's own self to make the actual connection with divine being. Then the circuit is closed, and the electricity of inner illumination starts to flow. 

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