Saturday 13 October 2012

Astrology : The Mirror in Heaven

Astrology was outlawed in Christianity not because Christian theologians thought it didn't work-obviously the Magi used it to find the infant Jesus. Christians condemned it because they considered knowledge of the future inappropriate for humankind. Hindus have exactly the opposite attitude.

If you want to go on a long journey into unknown territory, a map is a very useful thing to keep in your glove compartment. Astrology offers a map of the future, showing what part of the terrain will be tough going, and where the roadway is smooth. Hindu scriptures call astrology a gift from God designed to help us find our way.

Vedic astrology is called "the eye of the Veda" because brahmin priests use it to find the exact moment the flow of cosmic energies most strongly support their rituals. Astrology has several specific functions :

>Determining the most auspicious time for a particular event.

> Gauging the compatibility of two individuals 

> Answering specific questions.

> Predicting the future.

One of the most important functions of the astrology is to select the best possible time to start a trip, begin  a project, open a business, or get married. The astrologer carefully considers the positions of the Sun, Moon, the five classical planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn), and two "shadow" planets called Rahu and Ketu. (These shadow planets are called the Moon's nodes in Western astronomy. They're responsible for solar and lunar eclipses).

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