Saturday 13 October 2012

Medicine : Ayurveda

Medicine is called Ayurveda in India, which means " the science of longevity ". This is because poor health can be a major obstacle to success in one's spiritual practice. Early death can be calamity for a disciple on the spiritual path.Most people want to hang on to their present body for as long as possible because they fear death. For Hindus, a human body is the ideal environment for rapid progress in mediation. You don't want to throw yours away for no good reason if you can help it.

The Charaka Samhita, a classic of Hindu medicine, was probably composed near the beginning of the common Era, though the medical ideas it expressed can be traced back thousands of years earlier. The text opens by explaining that in vast antiquity, the sages noted that humanity was increasingly suffering from ill health. So they held a meditation conference. As they meditated together, they discovered the root causes of disease and how many illnesses can be successfully treated.

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