Wednesday 11 July 2012

Apollonious in the Ashram

With the help of a local maharaja, Appollonious was ushered into the Ashram of a yogi named Iarchas. Before Apollonious could open his mouth, Iarchas greeted him by name, told him his parent's name as well, and mentioned a few sailent details from Appolonious's life, including some incidents that had occurred during his long journey to India.

Needles to say, Appolonius was dumbfounded.(Many of us who have had run-ins with the yogi's amazing powers have felt the same way!) " How can you know all these things?" he demanded.

" We begin", Iarchas explained, " by knowing ourselves".

In the ensuing months, Iarchas taught Apollonius to know himself. He put him  through intensive yogic traning  and introduced him to the Vedic method of prforming pujas (sacred rituals) and other Hindu occult techniques. Apollonious learned to work with mantras and how to empower yantras (sacred diagrams). For centuries after his death, the yantras empowered by Apollonius were famous throughout properties.

As he left for home, Apollonius told his guru, " I can come to you by land, and you poured over me an ocean  of knowledge, knowledge which enables mortal men to rise to heaven. When I returned to the West I will tell the entire world of your wisdom. I will honor you till the last breath of my life.

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