Wednesday 4 July 2012

Scientists of the Spirit

The Hindu sages were scientists of the Spirit. In olden times before people had better things to do, like watch wrestling on television, these men and women conducted investigations into the nature of reality. They looked to nature itself as their teacher and guide. If there were spiritual laws we ought to be following, they should be apparent in the cycles of the stars, the flow of mountain streams, and in the way the mind itself operates.

Natural law is called Rita in Sanskrit. There were a number basic laws these early scientists observed:

< Everything that's born dies
< Everything that dies is re-created in another form.
< Everything in the universe is directly or indirectly related to everything else.
< Everything anyone says, does, or even thinks has an effect that reflects the original word, action, or thought.
< Everything in the external world is constantly changing.
< The only lasting peace people experience happens when they rest their awareness in the lucid stillness hidden behind their own thoughts.

Observations like these became the basis of Hindu beliefs about karma and reincarnation, ritual practice and meditation.

Hindus beliefs that any truth worth setting up as the foundation of your religion has to be akriti -that is, it has to ultimately come from beyond space and time. It has to be true forever. In other words, billions of years from now, after this solar system

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