Sunday 1 July 2012

The Eternal Religion

Hinduism is so ancient its origins are lost in the mist of prehistory. Many sages are associated with it, but none claims to be its first prophet. Hindus believe their religion has existed forever, even before the universe came into being. They say the truths of their faith are inherent in the nature of reality itself- and that all men and women peering into the depths of their inner nature will rediscover these truths for themselves.

The image too many outsiders have of the Hindu tradition is of primitive, superstitious villagers worshiping idols. As we get to know the Hindus better, we'll see that their understanding of who and what God is incredibly sophisticated. In fact, their view of the world and our place in it is stunningly in scope that our Western minds practically  start to Boggle!

Let's enter the universe of Hinduism, an amazing world where inner and outer realities reflect each other like images in a mirror, and the loving presence of the divine is as close as the stillness behind your own thoughts .

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