Friday 13 July 2012

Notes on the Hindu God

Al Biruni was a good Muslim and was by no means always sympathetic to Hindu ideas or culture. He thought the Hindu's claim that the universe was billions of years old was ludicrous, and mocked their tendency to think in terms of incredibly, so that cosmic cycles. But he made a sincere effort to report Hindu beliefs objectively, so that Muslims interested in India could clearly understand the Hindu prespective.

In the Indika, Al Biruni described the Hindu view of God.

There is one God only Who is without beginning or end. He cannot be researched by thought but is sublime beyond our ability to conceive. He is infinitely vast, but not in the spatial sense since He exists outside of time and space.

How can we worship this one whom we cannot perceive? He lies beyond the grasp of the physical senses, but the soul feels His presence and the mind understands His divine qualities.

Mediating on Him one-pointedly is true worship. When meditation is practices for a long time without interruption, one attains the highest state of blissful.

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